Bulk milk cooling tanks
DeLaval offers the best in modern bulk milk cooling tanks utilizing advanced cooling and cleaning techniques.

DeLaval silo tank DX3S

DeLaval cooling tank DXE
Fast, effective milk cooling is the only way to retain optimal milk quality and command the highest milk prices from your dairy. For this, DeLaval offers the best heavy duty closed tank technology. Elliptically shaped cooling tanks, with different dimensions to support the best cooling capacity of your farm and fit existing milk room.
DX1E (1100 – 12000l) range for 2 milkings (1 day collection)
DX2E (1700 – 30000l) range for 4 and 6 milkings, as well as for AMS systems (2-, 3-day collection).

DeLaval cooling tank DXE compact
Assuring all the best features of DXE range and going an extra mile to secure the most demanding cooling situations, DeLaval offers DXE compact horizontal tank.
DX1E (1100 – 12000l) range for 2 milkings (1 day collection)
DX2E (1700 – 18000) range for 4 and 6 milkings, as well as for AMS systems (2-, 3-day collection)