Better decisions for better animal health

We share your passion to ensure your animals are healthy and you are in control over the safety of milk produced on your farm.

  • Complete records of animal health events
  • Combined health data - indexed
  • Be ready for health checks
  • Structure your decisions and actions best way possible

Key benefits

Accurate Records

You are expected to have accurate treatment records, DelPro makes entering, storing and sharing that information easier and faster. DelPro is designed to make it easier to make the step from diagnosis to treatment as simple as possible. Not only can you setup specific treatment protocols with specific drugs and actions per diagnosis, once a treatment event is added you will receive attention reports to carry out treatments, divert milk and draft animals. You will also have one-click access to record that you have carried out the prescribed actions.

Automatically Divert Milk

If you are using a DeLaval milking system, DelPro uses the conductivity and blood level data recorded to measure milk quality. As soon as there are deviations detected, you will be notified. If you desire, your VMS V300 will automatically divert milk away from the cooling tank; or, for parlour and rotary systems automatically remove the cluster.

Sensor integration

Sensors are now available that accurately and automatically measure LDH, BHB, progesterone, SCC, blood, activity, and body condition score. If they are integrated with the analytical power of DelPro, you will often be alerted to an issue before there are any visible signs, giving you better information, faster, so that you can make better decisions.

Combined Health Bio-Model

DelPro’s Cow Monitor provides you with a health index for each cow. This is an aggregated score combining the many pieces of information we record every day, to provide one number for a quick snapshot of every cow’s health status. This allows you to quickly identify changes in an individual cow’s health to alert you to those cows that require special attention.

Milk quality

DelPro Farm Manger lets you model the impact of each cow on the somatic cell count (SCC) of your bulk tank to allow you to predict the financial implications of excluding certain cows. Our promise is to support you with consistent management of your herd, on time and automatically.

Health protocols

DelPro’s Vet Visit and Vaccination Protocol functionality ensures that you maximise the efficiency of your vet visits. Your working practices, together with all the animal information automatically generates lists which indicate each animal’s scheduled vet requirements. Whether you need to vaccinate, hoof trim or pregnancy check you have the flexibility to set the criteria in the animal health module to make sure you never miss a cow that needs to be checked.

Speed is critical

Healthy animals are the key to milk quality, yield and the sustainability of your operation through longevity and outstanding reproduction results.

The sooner you can diagnose and treat a health issue, the sooner the recovery, and usually – the less severe the impact of productivity. That is why DelPro has been created to deliver fast, accurate animal health information.

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