Customer testimonials
Scroll down to read stories from dairy farmers across the UK and Ireland
VMS Customers

Jim Booth
Jim Booth is a second-generation dairy farmer who embraced technology by becoming an early adopter of DeLaval milking robots. Eleven years on and he has updated his robots, becoming one of the first farmers to make the shift from old to new. He replaced two DeLaval VMS Classic robots with two new V310 models and immediately saw increases in yield, reductions in somatic cell count (SCC) and reduced milking times.

Martin and Susie Hann
Having moved to a robotic milking system a Somerset dairy farm is seeing increased fertility and higher milk yields. The average milk yield has increased from 28.8 to 30.9 kilos per day. However, there are wider benefits including reduced mastitis and ketosis. The new system is also helping with heat detection, which has improved from 44 to 78 percent since it was installed in October 2019

Plumpton Head Farm
Six new DeLaval robots were installed for Richard Threlfell and his family at Plumpton Head Farm, near Penrith, in November 2020. The impact on the farm, and the family, has been a revelation. “The cows are being milked up to five times a day. The yield is already up 34 percent and we are likely to see some of the high yielding cows delivering more than 10,000 litres this year,” says Richard.

Grant Smith
Grant Smith farms in partnership with his parents Muir and Lorna Smith at Keltonhill Farm near Castle Douglas. Milking 270 cows at the moment with the intention to increase 320 in the next 2 years. Last year the family decided to invest in 4 DeLaval milking robots and have seen great results since.

Jason Mitchell
Milking over 600 cows just outside Ardstraw, Jason Mitchell is the fourth generation of his family to milk cows in Co. Tyrone. Operating an all-year-round calving and housing system, Jason’s operation is quite unique. The farm is home to eight DeLaval milking robots (six VMS classics and two VMS V300s) and a 50-unit rotary parlour.

Trevor Wilson Farm
Trevor Wilson from Fermanagh recently decided to switch from sheep and sucklers to dairy farming. The Wilsons have 32,000 broiler breeder laying hens that need eggs to be lifted every morning.As the morning time was already filled with lifting eggs, Trevor decided robotic milking would be his best option when switching to dairy.
Parlour Customers

Tumble Tye Farm
William Warnock installed a DeLaval P2100 rapid exit parlour with Evanza clusters, automatic weighing scales and a body conditioning camera in December 2020. This has halved the time it takes to milk the herd, improved cow health, and offered the farm the opportunity to focus on making more milk from forage.

Michael Booth
Replacing a milking parlour can have huge benefits, as Michael Booth and his son Michael discovered when they installed a new DeLaval MidiLine milking parlour on their farm in Heath, Co Laois. The Booths currently milk 150 Holstein Friesian cows and their new parlour has already made a huge difference on their farm.
Rotary Customers

Dourie Farm
Rory Christie farms in partnership with his brother Gregor near Port William on the south west coast of Scotland. He grew the farm’s herd from 600 to 1500 cows and needed more milking provision to decrease the number of hours it took to milk. In 2019 Rory invested in a second parlour to move to two milkings a day.