
Inspired by DelPro™

Inspired by DelPro™

Learn, decide, act and be inspired

Get to know the ins and outs of your DeLaval DelPro farm management platform. You set your management objectives and targets, and DelPro is there to make sure you have everything you need to put your plans into action, all the information you need to monitor and adjust those plans, and the alerts and analysis to stay on track. 

Learn here more about the 5 key pillars of farm management, and the DelPro tools helping you make the decisions that will maximise your results for your whole farm. 

And stay tuned as we publish news on DelPro and the applications in our What's New section. 

Learn more about performance

A true Companion in the barn

DelPro Companion is developed with input from our customers around the world about how they want to record events on farm as they happen when they are working alongside their cows. This means that an insemination, pregnancy check or health treatment are never again missed because the piece of paper it was written on got lost or too wet to read. It means that we can foresee a reality when pen and paper are no longer required on farms. Instead you could have the information you need spoken to you in your ear when working with your cows.

DelPro Companion WorkerMode

With DeLaval DelPro™ Companion it has never been easier to record the same event for a group of animals with each animal having a different result. You have multiple cows to pregnancy check; some are positive and some negative. Connect a Bluetooth ID reader to your phone to make sure you always record the event for the right animal.

Keep your favorite report filters with you at all times

From DelPro™ farm management platform 5.5 you can send your favorite report filters that you’ve created in FarmManager to DelPro Companion 5.5. Take a look at this tutorial to find out how. In this example we’ll show how, if you work with VMS™ V310 and RePro™, you can have the cows with an abnormal reproduction cycle in your pocket but the same possibilities are available to all parlour, rotary and VMS farms too.

Learn more about health

Managing cow health with BCS data

The influence of BCS on ketosis Ketosis is a common metabolic disease in dairy cows. It is caused by a negative energy balance, often seen in high-yielding animals at the beginning of lactation and can lead to reduced milk production.

Your treatment protocols

The sooner you can diagnose and treat a health issue, the sooner the recovery, and usually – the less severe the impact of productivity. That is why DelPro has been created to deliver fast, accurate animal health information; and provides you with a fast and easy to use platform to set up treatment protocols.

Use your favourite filter in DelPro Companion

The sooner you can diagnose and treat a health issue, the sooner the recovery, and usually – the less severe the impact of productivity. That is why DelPro™ has been created to deliver fast, accurate animal health information. The latest DelPro farm management platform 5.5 comes full of great new features. One example we would like to explain in this tutorial is the ability to send the filter behind your favourite DelPro FarmManager 5.5 report to DelPro Companion 5.5.

Learn more about reproduction

Could the condition score of your cow affect reproductive performance?

Knowing the body condition score (BCS) of individual cows could help you improve your herd’s reproduction.

Successful reproduction is all about timing

Efficient and profitable reproduction management in a dairy herd requires healthy cows and observational routines to detect both cows in heat and cows with reproductive diseases.

Could you earn more money with cows that live longer?

Longevity has been a popular word for some time, so long that perhaps the meaning is a little blurry now. Keeping cows longer is the easy part, we just don’t cull them; but keeping healthy, productive and most importantly profitable cows in the herd for as long as they can, well that’s a little different.

Learn more about feeding

Feeding management based on BCS data

Keeping cows at the right body condition score leads to healthy cows. In a perfect world, a cow might lose 0.5 a BCS after calving, then regain this as they move through lactation and maintain a stable BCS throughout the dry period. That said, we’re not in a perfect world and managing this for individual cows is not always so easy.

Implementing Your feeding strategy in DelPro™ FarmManager

Today we are more aware than ever that feeding strategies vary across the globe. An animal in the same lactation and the same days in milk in the Netherlands, will receive a different ration than an animal in the USA. Depending on local factors and ability to grow forages, the strategies will vary from farm to farm. DelPro FarmManager, with its different feed table types, covers these variations. To get inspired about the options and combinations, this article shares some best practices and practical examples that you can use as idea to implement your own strategy for your farm. Always consult your advisor before making any changes – as values here are indicative, and do not represent the specific needs for your situation.

You control your feeding strategy

Feed represents a large proportion of the cost to produce milk. We understand your need to feed cows efficiently. To manage this resource the best way possible we believe in providing you with complete flexibility to implement concentrate feeding strategies to match your herds’ requirements.

Learn more about milking

2 Minute Check

The 2 minute check is not a function within DelPro FarmManager, but is a management practice that allows you to keep track of every single cow in the herd. This enables you to take action in a very short time frame when a change in performance and/or an increased health risk is found.

Analyse your milking performance

We believe that running a profitable dairy farm requires an eye for detail. Not only focused on: production, reproduction, animal health or feeding, but also the milking process requires our attention. We support you to identify areas in the milking process to optimise to reduce your costs related to labour and energy use during idle times. With the parlour performance module and the group milk flow analyses, you have the tools needed to improve your milking process.

DelPro FarmManager Milking Queue

95% of DelPro farmers with VMS use the Milking Queue every day, and rate it the most useful module they receive. The Milking Queue is the perfect way to start your day – providing a snapshot of everything that happened overnight, and during the previous day. This allows you to quickly identify the things you need to do today to maximise your productivity. Learn more about how we do that in this tutorial with Emma.
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