DeLaval Optimat™ system
A complete feeding solution, using automation for feed efficiency. This solution provides automated mixing and distribution. You of course select the equipment that will best suit your needs. Feed is weighed, cut and mixed in one of our stationary mixers and delivered to the feed table by a rail-suspended distribution wagon, DeLaval FS1600 or DeLaval RA135. The only non-automated task is loading forage into the stationary mixer.
- Automated mixing
- Automated distribution of feed
Choose the level of automation you need, or build your system one step at a time.
You decide whether you just want to automate feeding concentrate; or to have your feed mixed at a central feeding centre; or whether some level of automated forage feeding is what you need. Or you might choose to install a fully automated feeding system, and gain much more accuracy in feeding and flexibility in your work schedule.

DeLaval Optimat™

DeLaval Optimat™ Plus