DeLaval Flow-Adjusted Vacuum
Flow-Adjusted Vacuum speeds up the milk-extraction by lifting the vacuum level when high milk flow is available and then reducing level again once high flow has ended. This is avoiding the inevitable trade-off between udder-health and productivity that is created by a fixed vacuum level over the entire milking process.
See how it works

Why is it better?
The Balance between Push and Pull
- +9% peak milk flow[1]
- Less forced take offs[1]
- +5% average milk flow[1]
- Positive effect on teat end[1]
- >7% faster / -25 seconds last cow ready with Flow-Adjusted Vacuum[1]
[1] These are results producers were able to achieve on test farms. Results may vary and are not guaranteed. Difference can be seen related to numbers of milkings per day. [2] Data recorded in static parlour.