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Learn more about feeding

Feeding management based on BCS data

Keeping cows at the right body condition score leads to healthy cows. In a perfect world, a cow might lose 0.5 a BCS after calving, then regain this as they move through lactation and maintain a stable BCS throughout the dry period. That said, we’re not in a perfect world and managing this for individual cows is not always so easy.

Implementing Your feeding strategy in DelPro™ FarmManager

Today we are more aware than ever that feeding strategies vary across the globe. An animal in the same lactation and the same days in milk in the Netherlands, will receive a different ration than an animal in the USA. Depending on local factors and ability to grow forages, the strategies will vary from farm to farm. DelPro FarmManager, with its different feed table types, covers these variations. To get inspired about the options and combinations, this article shares some best practices and practical examples that you can use as idea to implement your own strategy for your farm. Always consult your advisor before making any changes – as values here are indicative, and do not represent the specific needs for your situation.

You control your feeding strategy

Feed represents a large proportion of the cost to produce milk. We understand your need to feed cows efficiently. To manage this resource the best way possible we believe in providing you with complete flexibility to implement concentrate feeding strategies to match your herds’ requirements.
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