Detta meddelande beskriver när, hur och för vilka ändamål cookies används i samband med och associerade webbplatser (gemensamt kallade webbplatserna).
Denna webbplats använder cookies. Vi använder enhetsidentifierare för att anpassa innehållet och annonserna till användarna, tillhandahålla funktioner för sociala medier och analysera vår trafik. Vi vidarebefordrar även sådana identifierare och annan information från din enhet till de sociala medier och annons- och analysföretag som vi samarbetar med. Dessa kan i sin tur kombinera informationen med annan information som du har tillhandahållit eller som de har samlat in när du har använt deras tjänster.
Cookies är små textfiler som kan användas av webbplatser för att göra en användares upplevelse mer effektiv.
Lagen säger att vi får lagra cookies på din enhet om de är absolut nödvändiga för att kunna använda den här webbplatsen. För alla andra ändamål krävs ditt medgivande.
Denna webbplats använder olika typer av cookies. Vissa cookies placeras ut av tredjepartstjänster som visas på våra sidor.
Du kan ändra eller dra tillbaka ditt samtycke till cookie-förklaringen på vår webbplats.
Läs mer i vår sekretesspolicy om vilka vi är, hur du kontaktar oss och på vilket sätt vi behandlar personuppgifter.
Ange ditt samtyckes-ID och datum för när du kontaktade oss gällande ditt samtycke.
Ditt samtycke gäller för följande domäner:
Cookie-deklaration uppdaterades senast 30/08/2024 av Cookiebot :
Nödvändig (60)
Nödvändiga cookies låter dig använda webbplatsen genom att aktivera grundläggande funktioner, såsom sidnavigering och åtkomst till säkra områden på webbplatsen. Webbplatsen fungerar inte korrekt utan dessa cookies.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
__epiXSRF | | Ensures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website and visitor. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
AI_buffer | Microsoft | Used in context with the "AI_sentBuffer" in order to limit the number of data-server-updates (Azure). This synergy also allows the website to detect any duplicate data-server-updates. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
AI_sentBuffer | Microsoft | Used in context with the "AI_buffer" in order to limit the number of data-server-updates (Azure). This synergy also allows the website to detect any duplicate data-server-updates. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
ai_session | Microsoft | Preserves users states across page requests. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
AITR_OnError | Microsoft | This cookie is used to detect errors on the website - this information is sent to the website's support staff in order to optimize the visitor's experience on the website. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
AITR_UrlTooLong | Microsoft | Set by Microsoft Application Insights, which allow Insights to monitor the health and status of the server and website. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
ARRAffinity | | Used to distribute traffic to the website on several servers in order to optimise response times. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ARRAffinitySameSite | | Used to distribute traffic to the website on several servers in order to optimise response times. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ASP.NET_SessionId | | Behövs för att identifiera klienten med websessionen. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
CookieConsent [x2] | Cookiebot | Indikerar medgivande för cookies. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
i18next_res_cs- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_da- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_de- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_de-at- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_de-ch- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en- | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-au- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-ca- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-gb- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-ie- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-in- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-nz- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-us- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-za- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-ar- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-bo- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-cl- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-ec- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-pe- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-uy- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_et- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fi- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fr- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fr-be- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fr-ca- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fr-ch- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_hu- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_it- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_ja- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_ko- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_lt- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_lv- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_nl- | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_nl-be- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_no- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_pl- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_sv- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_zh-cn- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
LastMRH_Session | | Used for handling sessions and authentication. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
MRHSession | | Used for handling sessions and authentication. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
MRHSHint | | MRHSHint cookie is used to carry information for SharePoint ActiveX controls. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
mrkid | | Holds information about current language setting on the web page | 30 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
mrkset | | Holds information on selected language and currency on the webpage | 30 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
object(#-#-##:#:#.#) | Microsoft | Holds the users timezone. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
qc-player-preferences | Screen9 | Used to remember your settings in the video player. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
test_cookie | Used to check if the user's browser supports cookies. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie | |
TiPMix | | Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
x-ms-routing-name | | Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
Inställningar (4)
Cookies för inställningar låter en webbplats komma ihåg information som ändrar hur webbplatsen fungerar eller visas. Detta kan t.ex. vara föredraget språk eller regionen du befinner dig i.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
.ASPXANONYMOUS | | Används för att levera anonym identifikation av användaren vid åtkomst till applikationer på hemsidan. | 70 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
i18next_res_pt-br- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18nextLng | | Determines the preferred language of the visitor. Allows the website to set the preferred language upon the visitor's re-entry. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
maps/gen_204 | Used in context with the website's map integration. The cookie stores user interaction with the map in order to optimize its functionality. | Session | Pixelspårare |
Statistik (17)
Cookies för statistik hjälper en webbplatsägare att förstå hur besökare interagerar med webbplatser genom att samla och rapportera in information anonymt.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
_dd_s | | Registers the website's speed and performance. This function can be used in context with statistics and load-balancing. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
_gd# | Amazon | Stores a unique ID to track user preferences. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
_hjSession_# | Hotjar | Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
_hjSessionUser_# | Hotjar | Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
_hjTLDTest | Hotjar | Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ai_user | Microsoft | Used by Microsoft Application Insights software to collect statistical usage and telemetry information. The cookie stores a unique identifier to recognize users on returning visits over time. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
ajs_anonymous_id | | This cookie is used to count how many times a website has been visited by different visitors - this is done by assigning the visitor an ID, so the visitor does not get registered twice. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
ajs_anonymous_id | | This cookie is used to identify a specific visitor - this information is used to identify the number of specific visitors on a website. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
dd_cookie_test_# | | Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
FPAU | | Assigns a specific ID to the visitor. This allows the website to determine the number of specific user-visits for analysis and statistics. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
FPID | | Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. | 400 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
FPLC | | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
hjActiveViewportIds | Hotjar | This cookie contains an ID string on the current session. This contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor enters – this information is used to optimize the visitor's experience. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
hjViewportId | Hotjar | Saves the user's screen size in order to adjust the size of images on the website. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
rdtrk | Amazon | Used to assess user's visits to the website, such as which pages have been visited or the frequency of visits. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
screen9.uid | Screen9 | Used to distinguish users for video player. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-player-headers-readable | YouTube | Used to determine the optimal video quality based on the visitor's device and network settings. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
Marknadsföring (43)
Cookies för marknadsföring används för att spåra besökare på webbplatser. Avsikten är att visa annonser som är relevanta och engagerande för enskilda användare, och därmed mer värdefull för utgivare och tredjepartsannonsörer.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
#-# | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
__tld__ [x2] | | Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
__trf.src | Amazon | Registers how the user has reached the website to enable pay-out of referral commission fees to partners. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
_fbp | | Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
_ga | | Google analytics, _ga används för att förstå hur besökaren navigerar runt på webbplatsen | 2 år | HTTP-cookie |
_ga_# | | Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels. | 2 år | HTTP-cookie |
_gcl_au | | Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
_rdtrk | RD Statior | Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement on the website. | 112 månader | HTTP-cookie |
ajs_user_id | | This cookie is used to collect data on the visitor's behavior on the website - this information can be used to assign the visitor to a visitor segment, based on common preferences. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ajs_user_id | | Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the website - This information is used make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
anj | Appnexus | Helps track user activities for targeted advertising. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
dd_site_test_#-#-#-#-# [x2] | | Väntande | Session | HTTP-cookie |
IDE | Used by Google DoubleClick for advertising purposes. | 400 dagar | HTTP-cookie | |
iU5q-!O9@$ | YouTube | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
LogsDatabaseV2:V#||LogsRequestsStore | YouTube | Stores version information or settings related to logging. | Beständig | IndexeradDB |
nextId | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
NID | Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads. | 6 månader | HTTP-cookie | |
pagead/1p-conversion/#/ | Used for conversion tracking in Google Ads. | Session | Pixelspårare | |
pagead/1p-conversion/undefined/ | Variant of pagead/1p-conversion for undefined purposes. | Session | Pixelspårare | |
pagead/landing | Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement. | Session | Pixelspårare | |
receive-cookie-deprecation [x2] | Appnexus | Indicates receipt of a cookie deprecation message, possibly logged multiple times. | 400 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
remote_sid | YouTube | Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
requests | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLog | YouTube | Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website. | Beständig | IndexeradDB |
TESTCOOKIESENABLED | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
uuid2 | Appnexus | Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | YouTube | Tries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. | 180 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
XANDR_PANID | Appnexus | Stores identifier related to a device or user for Xandr platform. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
YSC | YouTube | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
yt.innertube::nextId | YouTube | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
YtIdbMeta#databases | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Beständig | IndexeradDB |
yt-remote-cast-available | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-cast-installed | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-connected-devices | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-device-id | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-fast-check-period | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-session-app | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-session-name | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
Oklassificerade (8)
Oklassificerade cookies är cookies som håller på att klassificeras tillsammans med utfärdarna av enskilda cookies.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
pre-cached-b2e2d6c3-4578-4030-8c38-6f349f45af4c/331eee67-9d52-42c3-826c-0d0f506a2246:top_1920x1152 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
pre-cached-b2e2d6c3-4578-4030-8c38-6f349f45af4c/42abc251-c05e-45fc-9fa7-256516474aa4:top_1680x1050 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
pre-cached-b2e2d6c3-4578-4030-8c38-6f349f45af4c/54c3379c-7a3c-44b9-b16f-f7a221e325fa:top_1680x1050 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
pre-cached-b2e2d6c3-4578-4030-8c38-6f349f45af4c/9b1b6724-45a7-4070-8ec9-e0392668da9e:top_1280x800 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
WALNUT-DEMO-SESSION-0208d0fd-5331-4df7-8b5c-3d454c148841 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
WALNUT-DEMO-SESSION-a9a714e7-fe13-46a3-a7fe-1750eb2526ba | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
WALNUT-DEMO-SESSION-b30345fa-d89b-4038-9737-9f717a01c64a | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
WALNUT-PLAYER-SESSION | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
Denna webbplats använder cookies. Vi använder enhetsidentifierare för att anpassa innehållet och annonserna till användarna, tillhandahålla funktioner för sociala medier och analysera vår trafik. Vi vidarebefordrar även sådana identifierare och annan information från din enhet till de sociala medier och annons- och analysföretag som vi samarbetar med. Dessa kan i sin tur kombinera informationen med annan information som du har tillhandahållit eller som de har samlat in när du har använt deras tjänster.
Cookies är små textfiler som kan användas av webbplatser för att göra en användares upplevelse mer effektiv.
Lagen säger att vi får lagra cookies på din enhet om de är absolut nödvändiga för att kunna använda den här webbplatsen. För alla andra ändamål krävs ditt medgivande.
Denna webbplats använder olika typer av cookies. Vissa cookies placeras ut av tredjepartstjänster som visas på våra sidor.
Du kan ändra eller dra tillbaka ditt samtycke till cookie-förklaringen på vår webbplats.
Läs mer i vår sekretesspolicy om vilka vi är, hur du kontaktar oss och på vilket sätt vi behandlar personuppgifter.
Ange ditt samtyckes-ID och datum för när du kontaktade oss gällande ditt samtycke.
Ditt samtycke gäller för följande domäner:
Cookie-deklaration uppdaterades senast 30/08/2024 av Cookiebot :
Nödvändig (60)
Nödvändiga cookies låter dig använda webbplatsen genom att aktivera grundläggande funktioner, såsom sidnavigering och åtkomst till säkra områden på webbplatsen. Webbplatsen fungerar inte korrekt utan dessa cookies.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
__epiXSRF | | Ensures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website and visitor. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
AI_buffer | Microsoft | Used in context with the "AI_sentBuffer" in order to limit the number of data-server-updates (Azure). This synergy also allows the website to detect any duplicate data-server-updates. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
AI_sentBuffer | Microsoft | Used in context with the "AI_buffer" in order to limit the number of data-server-updates (Azure). This synergy also allows the website to detect any duplicate data-server-updates. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
ai_session | Microsoft | Preserves users states across page requests. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
AITR_OnError | Microsoft | This cookie is used to detect errors on the website - this information is sent to the website's support staff in order to optimize the visitor's experience on the website. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
AITR_UrlTooLong | Microsoft | Set by Microsoft Application Insights, which allow Insights to monitor the health and status of the server and website. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
ARRAffinity | | Used to distribute traffic to the website on several servers in order to optimise response times. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ARRAffinitySameSite | | Used to distribute traffic to the website on several servers in order to optimise response times. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ASP.NET_SessionId | | Behövs för att identifiera klienten med websessionen. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
CookieConsent [x2] | Cookiebot | Indikerar medgivande för cookies. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
i18next_res_cs- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_da- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_de- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_de-at- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_de-ch- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en- | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-au- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-ca- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-gb- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-ie- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-in- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-nz- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-us- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_en-za- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-ar- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-bo- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-cl- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-ec- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-pe- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_es-uy- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_et- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fi- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fr- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fr-be- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fr-ca- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_fr-ch- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_hu- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_it- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_ja- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_ko- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_lt- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_lv- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_nl- | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_nl-be- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_no- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_pl- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_sv- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18next_res_zh-cn- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
LastMRH_Session | | Used for handling sessions and authentication. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
MRHSession | | Used for handling sessions and authentication. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
MRHSHint | | MRHSHint cookie is used to carry information for SharePoint ActiveX controls. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
mrkid | | Holds information about current language setting on the web page | 30 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
mrkset | | Holds information on selected language and currency on the webpage | 30 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
object(#-#-##:#:#.#) | Microsoft | Holds the users timezone. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
qc-player-preferences | Screen9 | Used to remember your settings in the video player. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
test_cookie | Used to check if the user's browser supports cookies. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie | |
TiPMix | | Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
x-ms-routing-name | | Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
Inställningar (4)
Cookies för inställningar låter en webbplats komma ihåg information som ändrar hur webbplatsen fungerar eller visas. Detta kan t.ex. vara föredraget språk eller regionen du befinner dig i.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
.ASPXANONYMOUS | | Används för att levera anonym identifikation av användaren vid åtkomst till applikationer på hemsidan. | 70 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
i18next_res_pt-br- | | This is used for translating the website to corresponding languages. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
i18nextLng | | Determines the preferred language of the visitor. Allows the website to set the preferred language upon the visitor's re-entry. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
maps/gen_204 | Used in context with the website's map integration. The cookie stores user interaction with the map in order to optimize its functionality. | Session | Pixelspårare |
Statistik (17)
Cookies för statistik hjälper en webbplatsägare att förstå hur besökare interagerar med webbplatser genom att samla och rapportera in information anonymt.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
_dd_s | | Registers the website's speed and performance. This function can be used in context with statistics and load-balancing. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
_gd# | Amazon | Stores a unique ID to track user preferences. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
_hjSession_# | Hotjar | Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
_hjSessionUser_# | Hotjar | Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
_hjTLDTest | Hotjar | Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ai_user | Microsoft | Used by Microsoft Application Insights software to collect statistical usage and telemetry information. The cookie stores a unique identifier to recognize users on returning visits over time. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
ajs_anonymous_id | | This cookie is used to count how many times a website has been visited by different visitors - this is done by assigning the visitor an ID, so the visitor does not get registered twice. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
ajs_anonymous_id | | This cookie is used to identify a specific visitor - this information is used to identify the number of specific visitors on a website. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
dd_cookie_test_# | | Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
FPAU | | Assigns a specific ID to the visitor. This allows the website to determine the number of specific user-visits for analysis and statistics. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
FPID | | Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. | 400 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
FPLC | | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
hjActiveViewportIds | Hotjar | This cookie contains an ID string on the current session. This contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor enters – this information is used to optimize the visitor's experience. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
hjViewportId | Hotjar | Saves the user's screen size in order to adjust the size of images on the website. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
rdtrk | Amazon | Used to assess user's visits to the website, such as which pages have been visited or the frequency of visits. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
screen9.uid | Screen9 | Used to distinguish users for video player. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-player-headers-readable | YouTube | Used to determine the optimal video quality based on the visitor's device and network settings. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
Marknadsföring (43)
Cookies för marknadsföring används för att spåra besökare på webbplatser. Avsikten är att visa annonser som är relevanta och engagerande för enskilda användare, och därmed mer värdefull för utgivare och tredjepartsannonsörer.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
#-# | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
__tld__ [x2] | | Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
__trf.src | Amazon | Registers how the user has reached the website to enable pay-out of referral commission fees to partners. | 1 år | HTTP-cookie |
_fbp | | Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
_ga | | Google analytics, _ga används för att förstå hur besökaren navigerar runt på webbplatsen | 2 år | HTTP-cookie |
_ga_# | | Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels. | 2 år | HTTP-cookie |
_gcl_au | | Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
_rdtrk | RD Statior | Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement on the website. | 112 månader | HTTP-cookie |
ajs_user_id | | This cookie is used to collect data on the visitor's behavior on the website - this information can be used to assign the visitor to a visitor segment, based on common preferences. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ajs_user_id | | Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the website - This information is used make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
anj | Appnexus | Helps track user activities for targeted advertising. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
dd_site_test_#-#-#-#-# [x2] | | Väntande | Session | HTTP-cookie |
IDE | Used by Google DoubleClick for advertising purposes. | 400 dagar | HTTP-cookie | |
iU5q-!O9@$ | YouTube | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
LogsDatabaseV2:V#||LogsRequestsStore | YouTube | Stores version information or settings related to logging. | Beständig | IndexeradDB |
nextId | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
NID | Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads. | 6 månader | HTTP-cookie | |
pagead/1p-conversion/#/ | Used for conversion tracking in Google Ads. | Session | Pixelspårare | |
pagead/1p-conversion/undefined/ | Variant of pagead/1p-conversion for undefined purposes. | Session | Pixelspårare | |
pagead/landing | Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement. | Session | Pixelspårare | |
receive-cookie-deprecation [x2] | Appnexus | Indicates receipt of a cookie deprecation message, possibly logged multiple times. | 400 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
remote_sid | YouTube | Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
requests | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLog | YouTube | Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website. | Beständig | IndexeradDB |
TESTCOOKIESENABLED | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | 1 dag | HTTP-cookie |
uuid2 | Appnexus | Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | YouTube | Tries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. | 180 dagar | HTTP-cookie |
XANDR_PANID | Appnexus | Stores identifier related to a device or user for Xandr platform. | 3 månader | HTTP-cookie |
YSC | YouTube | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. | Session | HTTP-cookie |
yt.innertube::nextId | YouTube | Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
YtIdbMeta#databases | YouTube | Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content. | Beständig | IndexeradDB |
yt-remote-cast-available | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-cast-installed | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-connected-devices | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-device-id | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-fast-check-period | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-session-app | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
yt-remote-session-name | YouTube | Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video | Session | Lokal HTML-lagring |
Oklassificerade (8)
Oklassificerade cookies är cookies som håller på att klassificeras tillsammans med utfärdarna av enskilda cookies.
Namn | Utfärdare | Ändamål | Maximal lagringstid | Typ |
pre-cached-b2e2d6c3-4578-4030-8c38-6f349f45af4c/331eee67-9d52-42c3-826c-0d0f506a2246:top_1920x1152 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
pre-cached-b2e2d6c3-4578-4030-8c38-6f349f45af4c/42abc251-c05e-45fc-9fa7-256516474aa4:top_1680x1050 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
pre-cached-b2e2d6c3-4578-4030-8c38-6f349f45af4c/54c3379c-7a3c-44b9-b16f-f7a221e325fa:top_1680x1050 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
pre-cached-b2e2d6c3-4578-4030-8c38-6f349f45af4c/9b1b6724-45a7-4070-8ec9-e0392668da9e:top_1280x800 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
WALNUT-DEMO-SESSION-0208d0fd-5331-4df7-8b5c-3d454c148841 | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
WALNUT-DEMO-SESSION-a9a714e7-fe13-46a3-a7fe-1750eb2526ba | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
WALNUT-DEMO-SESSION-b30345fa-d89b-4038-9737-9f717a01c64a | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |
WALNUT-PLAYER-SESSION | | Väntande | Beständig | Lokal HTML-lagring |